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What Can Employers Expect for Immigration Reform 2013?

January 18, 2013

"Immigration Reform" is getting a lot of air time following the election. President Obama continues to talk about real reform now. Some Democrats and Republicans are making noises that sound encouraging if you want to see our dysfunctional system revamped. But, there are many who will never support immigration reform and they still have power in Congress. So, it will be an uphill, hard fought battle, but it just might happen.

The scuttlebutt is that following the inauguration some reform principles will be agreed upon, addressing changes to our legal, skilled, employment based immigration system as well as immigration for those in the country without documents, and finally more enforcement. A bill, initiated in the Senate, is predicted to arrive in late February. However, action and conversation on gun control and the fiscal cliff may cause a delay.

While mandatory participation in the government's E-Verify system is likely to be part of any deal, the rest of the details of a grand immigration deal are up for negotiation, including whether the large group of undocumented immigrants will be eligible for a path to citizenship, and whether increased immigration slots for skilled immigrants, particularly those with Scientific, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics educational backgrounds, will be available.

We follow these developments closely and will let you know of any significant changes that may impact you and your employees as soon as it looks likely that they will become law.

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